Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Collin- 6 months

This is turning into a blog for Collin's monthly updates and nothing else! I have so much to blog about, but I have fallen WAY behind and can't seem to catch up! I definitely don't want to fall behind on Collin's monthly updates, because so much changes each month and I want to remember it all! I'm going to try hard to stay caught up on my blog, it's all I have to remember these days that go by so fast.

Collins 6 month mark completely creeped up on me, and I did not even realize it I missed it until a few days later. I should have a photo session to mark the occasion, but I don't want any studio pictures and I don't want to pay for professional ones, so I'll have to try and do it myself. For now, all I have is the picture above.

This months big milestone was eating solid food. We gave him his first bite of real food on Christmas day and he had no trouble devouring the cereal. This boy was hungry. We gave him cereal for the first week, and then moved onto fruits and veggies.  I can remember documenting each food I fed Jake when he was a baby and wrote it on a calendar. With Collin, I don't even remember his first real food beyond cereal. I even had to get a book out of the library on starting solids because I could not remember what to feed him or how much or often to feed him. This past weekend, I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on fruits and veggies and spent Sunday morning making baby food. It tastes way better than the jar food, but jar food is way easier when there is not a lot of time. Let's just say Collin has had jar food for the last 3 weeks, before I got around to making him some food. Yea, it's been that busy.  I drew the line though when I opened a jar of chicken baby food and it smelled like cat food. Jake and Tyler have both fed Collin breakfast this week, which is sooo cute. I love that they are both big enough to help me with things like that. Now if I could just get them to change diapers!

Both the boys, especially Tyler have really been liking Mr. Collin lately. They have paid attention to him a little bit before this, but latley they have really enjoyed having him around and actually playing with him. Probably because he can do more now than before. It is fun to see Tyler in the big brother role and I think it has made him mature a little more. Collin loves having the boys attention and tries to get in on their conversations by being louder than them with his baby sounds.

Another big milestone is Collin is now sitting up. He kinda skipped over the rolling around stage. He is still a bit wobbly, but each day he is getting stonger and stronger.

Mr. Collin is still an easy going baby. This past month, we took him swimming twice and the water was not exactly warm, but he loved it, even though he had goose bumps at first. I plopped him in his water ring and he bobbed in the pool sucking his thumb. Neither Jake or Tyler wanted anything to do with the water ring when they were babies. Who knows, maybe in a couple of months Collin will change his mind and not like it either.

I also bundled him up and took him outside for a bit. I think he enjoyed getting some fresh air. And once again, he didn't make a peep. He just rode in his sled looking around. I need to do this more often, but it takes a lot of work to get him all buddled up.

I have been thinking latley how blessed I am to have 3 beautiful, healthy boys. I am trying to focus on them and just enjoy every moment with them. I love waking up each morning to Collins smiles. He wakes up every day happy and excitied to see me, daddy and his brothers. He is so ticklish and I don't let a day go by without hearing his baby giggles. He loves it when daddy has him, and I chase them around saying "I'm going to get you." It is amazing to think in 6 short months they go from tiny babies to laughing, sitting up, eating food, and playing with toys. It is also hard to believe in another short 6 months, I'm going to be planning a 1 st birthday party for him! He is such a joy, and I am loving cuddling him, kissing him, and carrying him. I look at Jake and Tyler and miss those days. What am I going to do when Collin gets to that stage where he doesn't want to be kissed and cuddled all day? It is all going by way to fast. It seems like with each one, they grow faster and faster. Happy 1/2 birthday, Collin!