Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I love me some Crockpot

I love, love, love my crockpot. I feel so accomplished having dinner done at the start of the day. I could have a horrible, terrible, no good very bad day at it's o.k. because dinner is done my friends. I really like it on days when my cleaning fairy comes, because then I have dinner done and a clean house. Lately I have tried to have crockpot dinners once a week. There is just something about fall and crockpots that goes together. I have a few favorites and I am going to share those with you- my lucky blog readers. If I'm going to have the title Domestic Diva- I better have some recipes-right?

Potato Soup
You can make this one the night before!
6 cups diced, peeled potatoes
5 cups water
2 cups diced onions
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup butter
4 tsp. chicken bouillon granules
2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
12 oz. can evaporated milk
3 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
8 oz. cheddar or colby cheese

1. Combine all ingredients except milk, parsley, and cheese in slow cooker.
2. Cook on high 7-8 hours.
3. Stir in milk, cheese, and parsley. Stir until cheese melts.

If you want you can add bacon bits and chives. Serve with biscuits.

Scalloped Potatoes and Ham
8 potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 onion chopped
1 pound ham steak, cubed in 1 inch pieces
1 package country style gravy mix (1 oz.)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 cups water
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

Combine potatoes, onion, and ham in lightly greased crockpot. Combine gravy mix, mushroom soup, and water, whisk until combined. Pour gravy mixture over potatoes. Cover and cook on low 7-9 hours (high 3-4 hours). Top with cheese during last 30 min. of cooking.

Pulled Pork
Pick up one of these packets.
You will need:
3 lbs. pork shoulder roast (I have used pork loin, it works- but shoulder roast tastes better.)
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup cider vinegar

Follow directions on back of packet. Makes 10 servings, if you have left overs it freezes well.

Serve on buns with sweet potato fries.

Calico Beans  This is one of my favorite meals of all time. It can be baked in the oven, or pop in slow cooker if you want. If you let this one cook a long time, it may burn around the edges. It is not a "true" crockpot recipe. It also has a lot of prep work.
1 lb. ground beef and 1/2 cup chopped onion- cooked and drained
1/2 pound bacon- cooked and cut in pieces
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup
1 tsp. vinegar
1 tsp. mustard
14 oz. pork and beans
14 oz. kidney beans, drained
14 oz. lima beans, drained

Throw it all in the crock pot and cook on low until ready to eat or bake in oven at 350 for 1 hour.
Serve with brown and serve rolls and applesauce.

Taco Soup
1 lb. extra lean ground beef
1 onion, chopped
3 cans 15 oz. each mild chili beans, undrained
1 can chopped tomatoes 14 oz.
1 can corn, undrained 14 oz.
1 can 8 oz. tomato sauce
1 pkg. taco bell taco seasoning mix
1 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese

Brown meat with onions in saucepan, drain.
Add all remaining ingredients except cheese. Stir.
Cook on low until you are ready to eat. Serve topped with cheese and sour cream.

Not a meal, but fun to make and tastes yummy!
15 apples (golden delicious)
1/2 cup water
1 cup white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon

Core, peel, and slice apples (about 1/2 in. thick). Combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Cook on low 5 hours. Once it has cooled, use hand mixer to make smooth. Can be frozen. I have also put the apples over ice cream before they have cooled and made smooth.

Don't forget good ole pot roast! I make mine with dry onion soup mix, cream of celery soup, 1 soup can of water, 2 Tbsp. flour, 2 beef bouillon cubes, chuck roast, carrots, onions, and potatoes.

 Got a fave? Share it with me! Or link it up.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The best toys if you have boys

There have been a few favorites in our house with both boys even with their age differences. Here are their favorites:

1. John Deere Gator- both boys ride this all. the. time.
2. Legos- they are always building something new
3. trampoline- used almost daily- great for burning extra energy that boys seem to have
4. Matchbox cars- always having races
5. Automoblox- not used all the time, but still a favorite
6. Duplo- used more when they were little, but a lot when they were little
7. Play-doh-every kids favorite
8. swings- both when through phases when they used the swing a lot- inside and out
9. Leapster- good for car rides
10. dress up clothes- especially camo, firefighter, policeman and star wars
11. wooden blocks- I almost forgot this one. I am amazed at what they boys have used and built with these blocks. A must have for any household with kids.
Don't forget I am making this blog private- if you want to still read e-mail me at sadieabradley @ymail.com

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Going Private!!!

Back at my 100th post, I mentioned I have considered going private. I have do not have a specific reason for doing this, besides my own nagging voice in my head that kept telling me I should. I don't want to have to worry about my kids safety and this blog is mostly about them. I was hesitant at first because I read so many other blogs just like mine that aren't private and I was thinking I was being to over protective, but when it comes to my kids, I don't think there is such a thing as over protective. Especially when it comes to sharing information and pictures for the world to see.

I know I have a select few who read my blog and many of these people know me, but I also like to be in control and it drove me nuts not knowing who was reading. I just don't think I have much to offer to a random blog surfer- I don't have craft ideas, recipes, tips, or decorating inspiration so I don't think anyone in bloggy land will miss it much.

I will close it down on later in the week so if you want to keep reading please send me an e-mail at:
sadieabradley@ymail.com   Also include a $5.00 blog reader fee which you can mail me at- I'm kidding.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh, the things they say

I have to share this one. Usually it's Tyler saying the darnest things, but yesterday it was Jake.
We were talking about board games. I said "Jake, don't you like Sorry!? Sorry! is a fun game. Jake: "No, all you do is move a dang nipple around the board". Crack. me. up.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Alligator Farm

David left me home a few weekends ago while he and his 3 buddies went up north for a weekend. I feel bad saying it, but I dread being left with the kids by myself. After being home with them all week, when the weekend comes, I'm ready for a break and some help. So when he leaves, I get no relief and I need some things to fill the days, because they drag.

We had to be gone for most of the day Friday because my house was being cleaned. That's right- I'm a stay at home mom and I had a cleaning lady come clean my house. I know what you are thinking- just know it was a baby gift. After 3 boys there isn't much left to get for gifts- I've got it all- and this was by far the best one I received. I can't tell you how excited I was. My house has never been clean all at the same time, let alone me not being the one doing it. So Ty, Collin and I spent the day at the big library in Jackson because they have the best books, then we went to Sam's club for snack lunch. I love sample day! Oh, I almost forgot- I also had a crock pot going at home. It really doesn't get any better than this for me: crock pot+ library + cleaning lady +  Sam's Club snack day= one happy Sadie. After we went home and got Jake off the bus, we went to the orchard down the road for doughnuts and cider. Then it was time for dinner, had some bath time, and the boys and I had a movie night. Not too bad for my first day with David gone.

On Saturday, I had doughnuts and juice ready for the boys in the morning, and I had taught Jake how to work the remote the night before, so I slept in on Saturday! The boys came downstairs, had juice and doughnuts and watched tv until Collin and I got up. Then we picked pumpkins down the road from our house.

Then it was time to go to the alligator farm. My sister had told me about it, so I figured we go check it out. It sounded interesting to me. My friends Lindsay and Keri joined us since their husbands were with mine. We drove to Athens which is a tiny town and passed right by the farm, because it is a little janky place. It doesn't give you the best first impression, but I figured my sister would not send me to some hillbilly farm.

We walked in the building and we were greeted by the owner and his wife. He asked Jake to help him put a snake back in a cage that he had gotten out. He had quite a few different snakes, lizards, frogs and fish in the building.

Next up- the tour. Mr. Alligator is very passionate and knowledgeable about alligators. Most of the gators at his farm were once pets that people thought they could keep as pets. He keeps the gators outside until November then he moves them inside. He has a few big tortoises walking around and one that you could ride on. My kids wouldn't do it.

 Mr. Alligator was GREAT with the boys. Tyler was in one of his moods, I think he was tired and didn't want participate at all. Mr. Alligator wouldn't let him be sour. He tried his hardest to get him to join in the fun but Tyler wasn't having it. That is why he is not in any of the pictures.

There were some bigger gators and Jake got to feed them, but that point of the tour, I had to feed and change Collin and my camera was out of battery. I am thankful my friends came because I woud have not been able to do it by myself. It cracks me up because they don't even have kids yet and they still wanted to come along. It's fun for the whole family!
After we got home and put I put the kids in bed, the girls and I stayed up and drank wine and had some girl talk until 2 am! Having David gone wasn't bad at all but I was glad went he came home.

If you want to go to the alligator farm: http://www.alligatorsanctuary.com/

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Collin- 2 month

I {heart} the 2nd month! There is absolutely nothing better than smiles from a baby. Now Collin has quite a personality and is awake more and more each day. Towards the end of this month, he even started to sort of get a schedule down. He has a 8:30 bedtime, and went from getting up 2 times a night to once.  No sleeping throughout the night yet! He is up for 1 1/2 to 2 hours during the day, then takes a nap for a while and gets back up for another 2 hours and does this cycle throughout the day. 

I have been trying to get him outside as much as possible, because once winter hits we won't be outside much. Lately I've been taking a big comforter on the front porch and he loves laying in it feeling the sun. He also started liking those obnoxious activity mats with all the toys dangling and lights flashing with music. He gets so excited and starts kicking those chubby legs and moving his arms. He loves it. I have the music stuck in my head all day. He also talks to himself in the mirror on his swing. It's to cute to listen to him coo at the baby he sees in the reflection.

Another big milestone for month 2 was finding his thumb. He has been trying to suck his thumb since the day he was born. He's been practicing ever since then and has finally got it down. We gave him a pacifier here and there because when they are that little it's not easy always getting the thumb in, but he prefers the thumb. I think it will be a lot easier. Jake and Tyler both had paci's so we'll give this thumb thing a try. It is so funny to watch him try to get it in- he raises his hand then drags it down the side of his face then he sucks his hands until he find his tiny little thumb. He gets it in, moves the other four fingers and goes to town. When he starts to wake up from a nap and is fussin, if I wait a minute I can hear him in the next room when he starts sucking his thumb- he gets loud with it!

I also love the conversations he is starting to have. He stares at me and starts making the cutest freakin sounds ever. I wish I knew what he was trying to say.

When he went in for his check-up he weighed 13# 6oz and was 22 3/4 tall.

The boys don't pay much attention to him. Tyler will poke at him here and there but that's it. Jake will get in his face for a minute to say hi and then they are off to play. I took Collin to school to have lunch with Jake and the girls there couldn't get enough of him. There was a crowd of girls around him the entire time I was there. It's so funny how young the mothering starts.

He is kind of a blob still. I haven't got many toys out yet, besides his activity mat. He'll bat at a dangling toy on that every now and then. I show him the cat a lot- he pets her and he probably wonders what the heck it is. I also put him in front of my full length mirror and talk to him. We've been reading books, mostly just Cleo The Cat. I'm determined to make him like cats. He really likes that book, and so did the other 2 boys. It's a fave in our house. Other than that, he doesn't do much. Sleeps, eats, poops, talks, smiles, bats at a toy, dances under his mat and calls it a day.

Just starting to smile

Getting the hang of it

And he's got it down

Friday, October 8, 2010

And The Winner Is.........

Chrystal!!! Facebook me your address, and I'll put in the mail!

Give Me Some Blog Lovin'

The giveaway ends today and there is still a lot of you that haven't left a comment! You know who you are! Right now there has only been 7 comments and that is pretty sad for doing a Target giftcard giveaway! I know it's only for 10 dollars but come on, join in on the fun!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

100 Posts = Giveaway!

I'm jumping on the bandwagon of giveaways. Seems like lately everyone is doing a giveaway on their blog, so I figured why not join in on the fun. Plus this is my 100 th post! Pretty bad though when I've been doing this for exactly 2 years, which averages to 50 posts a year. Lame. I love documenting the kids this way, and when Jake went back to school, I wondered to myself what the heck did I do when it was just Tyler and I last year with Jake in kindergarten and Collin not even thought of yet? What did we fill our days with? I've given myself a goal of 2 blog posts per week. I have no lack of posts, just lack of time. When November comes around, and it's National Blog whatever, I'm going to try to do the once a day post. I need to be better at documenting the boys. The days go by so fast and it's a blur unless you take the time to remember these days. I wish I had a sign hanging on the wall in my house that says: they only this little once, or something like that to remind me to that no matter how crazy, busy, or messy, I need to take time to enjoy the moment. O.K. I got off the subject- back to the giveaway! I'm being really generic, but I LOVE Target! So you are getting a gift card. But there is one rule you have to follow. It's only going to be for $10.00, but the rule is you have to spend it on yourself. Not your kids, husband or food- well unless it's chocolate. It has to be something maybe you don't buy yourself like a magazine, book, candle, nail polish, DVD, bottle of wine- indulge yourself, but don't go too crazy, after all it's only $10.00. I know how Target works- you don't leave without spending $100.00.

So, leave me a comment, you can say what you want- I can't think of anything creative for you to comment about. I would like my faithful commenter's to of course join in, but I am also curious to know who reads my lame blog and maybe hasn't left a comment before. I have been think lately of going private, only because this my blog is mostly about my kids and I would like to be able to share information more freely without wondering who's reading. So there ya go- comment away- don't be shy.

I will do the drawing on Friday at 5:00pm. Just in time for cocktail hour :)

Oh, I just thought of a comment idea- if you want, comment on what your favorite blog is to read. I know there are tons of blogs, but which one is the one you look most foward to reading? It can be a craft, decorating, or just a regular family blog. Aren't there a lot of cool blogs out there? I wish I had the talent of some of those people!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I Didn't Know

I can't believe after 3 kids I did not know this. The last few weeks we have quite a few social engagements and I have made up for not having any cocktails for the last nine months. I am not a big drinker, but if we are out, I like to have a few drinks. I don't stop at one, so when I get home I usually pump and dump. I was under the impression that if I pumped and dumped, I got most of the alcohol out of the milk, and I was o.k. to feed Collin at the next feeding. NOT SO! As long as the alcohol is in your blood, it is in your milk. So pumping and dumping will not clear the alcohol out of your milk if you still have it in your bloodstream. Depending on how many drinks you have had depends on how long it will take to pass anywhere from 3-8 hours. So no more pumping and dumping! It just takes time to clear it out of your system. Make sense?

Here is a great new product they make for those nights when you need a drink:
They are test strips that test the amount of alcohol in your milk. This way you know when to safely feed your baby. However, they are hard to find! A lot of retailers are currently out of stock. Walgreen's is the only retailer in Jackson that I have seen sell it on the shelves and they are out of stock. Happy drinking!