Friday, September 18, 2009

Every little boys dream

Although I am grateful David has a job in this economy, his job for lack of a better word, sucks. He works looong hours all summer, including Saturdays. This of course is when all the fun happens, in the summer. Then in the winter he gets laid off and is home with me. After awhile I get tired of him being home. And unemployment doesn't pay much. On top of all this, we pay a lot for insurance and let's just say his paycheck doesn't go far with a family of 4. All this being said, the boys think that daddy has the coolest job in the world, next to Uncle Sam who is a train engineer. Jake is now old enough to get to ride with Daddy if he is in our area. They get some good boy bonding time in.
Tyler gets to play in the truck, but he isn't big enough to go for a ride yet.
I think he has just as much fun pretending. He gets his truck as soon as they leave and gets to work.
When he is pretending, he tells me exactly what to say. Kids have amazing imaginations. He really gets into his pretend world.

1 comment:

snowskier said...

That sure looks like fun!