Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm Single Again

That is- a single parent. David is back to work!!! Today was his first full day back and he was gone from 6am-6:30pm. He will be putting in long days for the rest of the summer, so I'm a single parent again. Today was really good though. I got Jake to school on time, although he asked to be dropped off at the school door instead of me walking him in. I shed a tear watching him walk in the school by himself.

Tyler and I came home and all of a sudden I decided to clean the basement. It turned into a dumping ground the last few months. I would just take stuff down there and set in on the floor instead of putting it away. It took awhile for us to clean all the ladybugs that were down there too. The floor was covered in them. I also made a big pile of garage sale stuff. It feels so good to get that stuff out! By the time we finished it was already time for Jake to get off the bus. The boys played outside until dinner, and then we had burgers on the grill, french fries, applesauce, and root beer floats for desert. So yummy.

Now David is home and has the boys in the bath while I get to relax. My back hurts so bad! I need to get that Gopher Grabber thing you see on t.v. I can't spend all summer bending over picking toys and stuff up. After the boys are in bed, we get to watch The Blind Side. Not to bad for my first day, give it a few weeks and I'll have a different opinion.


Stephanie said...

Glad to hear David is back to work! Haha, I can totally see you with a gopher grabber. While you are at it you should also get a clapper, a medical alert button, and maybe some geritol.

Brigett said...

Love Stephanie's post! Too cute. I am soooo happy to hear that David is back to work...that is great and will help out with getting you back into a little bite of a routine before school is out soon ;) But then you won't have to sub either...Good luck with your garage sale stuff...if you have kids clothes that you want to try to get $ for that you might not want to save for you new one...Check out Once Upon A Child in Battle Creek...they also have maternity clothes.

Modern Mum said...

I am totally jealous. I would give just about anything (short of divorce - most days, ha!) for a regular routine again. Living the "perpetual weekend" life actually really sucks. I know you can relate. Enjoy!

Jessica said...

Glad to hear he is back to work! And my mom totally has one of those grabber things and uses it to pick up toys when the grandkids come and visit, LOL!