Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shout out to the hubby

This past weekend we went back to the cabin again for a little more summer vacay. Actually, David and I don't like to call it vacay, it's called "still taking care of the kiddos in a different location." Anyway, I have to give my hubby a little shout out for this past weekend because he really spoiled us. He has been working long hours for the past three weeks because of the oil spill and needed a break. After getting in late Thursday night,  David took Jake to play 9 holes of golf at one of the courses near Gaylord on Friday morning. They had a great time, and David got some good bonding time with Mr. Jake. We bought Jake his own little golf bag of real clubs at a garage sale last summer and he practices quite a bit, so this was a lot of fun for him to play on a real course and drive a cart.

On Saturday, the hubs and I got to go out to lunch by ourseleves thanks to Nana and Grandpa Bob. Davids favorite thing to do is eat out, so he was excitied. Then we went clothes shopping for me. I was excitied, because it is not often I can get David to shop with me, especially for clothes. When we got back, he took the boys out in the canoe fishing. I'm telling ya, he gets dad and husband of the year!

Then on Sunday, I got to sleep in until 10:30! He took care of the baby and the boys all morning and let me sleep in peace. This was after he got up to help me with the baby every night, I might add. We spent the rest of Sunday at the beach and he took the boys swimming out to the raft and played tennis with Jake.

This is what I did all weekend:

The boys are lucky to have such a great dad as a role model. I'm kind of wondering if this is why I keep having boys! They are all going to have a lot of fun growing up and spending time with their dad doing all these "boy" things. Don't worry about me, I'll be shopping or home having cocktails.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OK, I busted out laughing at your entire post. First of all, I can totally imagine David getting all geeked up about going out to dinner. Second, I love that you will be home sipping cocktails.