Monday, January 10, 2011

Collin- 5 months

 There is not much exciting about the 5 month mark. Not much new happens, just fine tuning of things already learned. Little milestones like moving an object from one hand to the other, getting a little higher off the ground on his tummy, things of that nature. Which I might add, I feel like tummy time is pure torture for babies, so I may not do it as often as I should, which is why Collin may be a tad behind. It may not look like it in the picture above, but that is because he is propped on his boppy. Probably the biggest milestone was rolling over. I don't count his first one it as a "real" roll over, because it happened on a soft bed that has a dip in the middle of it. I call a "real" roll over one that occurs on the hard floor and requires some effort, which he has done once or twice as well. I forgot to write it on my milestone calendar for him, but I do know it happened during his 5 month. He may be a tad behind on the rolling over, because you have to be on your belly to roll to roll to your back, and as you read before, I rarely put him on his belly.

I have noticed more signs of teething during this month. Thankfully my friend Danielle gave me some black market teething tablets. I never used them for the other 2 boys, but I recently heard about them when they were recalled. Don't worry, I did my research and I would have to give Collin like 1,000 tablets at once before he would get sick off them, which is why they were recalled. They work pretty good, and I am thankful to have them. He is constantly chewing on anything he can get his hands on. For Christmas, I got him a Sophie the giraffe, which is basically a glorified dog toy that costs $20.00, and he went right to town chewing on it like a dog chews on a bone.
Sorry for the crap picture- I hate using my flash, and if I don't my pictures come out fuzzy and out of focus. Not sure which is worse- bad flash lighting, or fuzzy pictures?
Christmas was a ton of fun with the kids. I know Collin is too little to understand what is going on, but I think he had fun too. Look at this picture- doesn't he seem surprised by his gift? Like "oh thanks, I've always wanted one of these?"
I think I did really good with his Christmas presents. There's not much left to buy when you have 2 other boys already. In his stocking he got his first box of baby cereal, and Jake and Ty thought it was so funny for Santa to bring baby Collin cereal. He also got the cutest little busy book from Ikea, which he was so excited to get in the picture above, a play tray for his Bumbo, a high chair that attaches to the table, a book about pets, a Skwish cube, a Lamaze firefly toy, and of course Sophie.

Since he got his first box of baby cereal, we decided Christmas day would be the perfect time to feed him his first solid food.
He got the big eyes yet again. "Oh, I finally get some food! Gimme that damn spoon, I'll feed myself."

It's hard to remember much about this past month, it was so busy it was just a blur. We did take him on his first mini vacation to Chicago for 3 days and he did really good. We schlepped him all over Chicago in the Moby wrap, Baby Bjorn and his stroller. He was quite a trooper and didn't fuss at all.

 At the 5 month mark, Collin was still sleeping in our bed. This past week we have moved him up to his crib, but he is waking up 4 times per night, just to have a snack and a pajama party. I'm hoping he will just learn to sleep through the night without having to let him cry it out, but this business of getting up all night long is getting old fast. You would think by the 3rd baby I would learn from my mistakes! He is also starting to take 2 or 3 long naps instead of 4 or 5 short forty minute naps.

Just when I got him a nice wardrobe for winter/holiday he outgrew it already. So we are now moving on to 6-12 month clothes and I have to go shopping all over again. Oh, darn. (With a hint of sarcasm).

He is still keeping his rank with probably the easiest baby we've had. He doesn't even really cry when he is tired or hungry, he just makes these whimpering noises. I still can't believe we are closing in on the half year mark. I'm glad the holidays are over and things can start slowing down a bit.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

We're so glad to get the darling pictures and you are too funny with your dialogue. Please give Collin a big kiss from Nana and Grandpa Bob.....