Monday, July 20, 2009

50 Days of Summer Left

It's going by fast!!!
  • We made it to the zoo, one of our field trips we take in the summer. We spent the day with Danielle and baby Brock-his first trip to the zoo. It wouldn't be complete without a flat tire on the way home. Thankfully we were almost home! No pictures, I've got enough from the other 3 times we've been before. I'm ready for a new zoo- I'd like to go to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo next. Been there, done that for Binder, especially the $$$.

  • We also did raspberry picking, another summer time favorite. The boys loved it. They kept saying "Mom, look how many I picked!" Every 2 minutes. Then I made Raspberry Oatmeal Breakfast Bars- YUMMY! The recipe is in Family Fun magazine.
  • We celebrated our 4 year anniversary on Thursday. Here's a fun picture for you all to enjoy. It's me and Ned Flanders, I mean David. (1999)
(Forgive me, I am just learning how to scan pictures. That is why it is crooked and tiny, not that you would want to see it any bigger, anyway). WOW.
And our wedding, July 16, 2005.

  • To celebrate, we hung out at home. We had a bonfire with the kids and they burned marshmallows and caught glow bugs. We exchanged very romantic gifts: David got me tires for the front of the mini van, and I got him tires for the back of the mini van. I think that they should change the traditional anniversary gifts to something like this:

1st anniversary: paper

2nd anniversary: cotton

3rd anniversary: leather

4th anniversary: tires

After the kids went to bed, I pulled out our old pictures which is when I found that nasty picture you see above. I also decided it would be fun to try on my wedding dress to see if it fit. Let's just say it didn't zip all the way, and I couldn't sit down with out blowing out some seams.

  • We've started a new tradition in the Bradley household. Movie nights- once a month. Jake is now old enough to sit through a movie, Tyler-not so much, but he can dink around while we watch. This months feature film: Charlotte's Web. I even made a theme dinner to go with it- pigs in a blanket. It was nice to look forward to something special with the kids and cheap! We are also going to try game night once a month too. That's 2 Fridays of fun to look foward to.

  • Tyler's had some great lines lately. "You got some good groceries, mom" Only Tyler would appreciate some good groceries. What exactly are "good groceries?" And, "I'm hungry, I want some broccoli." This was at 7:30am when he said this one, he truely loves broccoli, and we have some in the garden. What kid wants broccoli for breakfast? And here is my favorite: he just went #2 in his little baby bojorn potty, I was coming in to assist wiping and he said "it's a castle, a castle o' poop." Not to be sick, but it really did look like a sand castle you would see at the beach.

  • We have an addition to our family: Lola. She is a sweetheart and reminds me of Fuzzy. Thanks to Nicole, who found her for me. I wasn't expecting to get a new cat this soon, but she looks so much like Fuzzy, I couldn't resist!


Chrystal said...

You are so funny - I love that picture from 1999! I just found some high school pics of myself and . . . ugh!
Congratulations, on 4 years. :-) Here's to many, many more!

Stacey Richardson said...

Haha - Smokin in the wedding pic Phoof, but I LOVE the 1999 one! David and the porn stash is by far the best!! :)

Sara said...

Peter says, "That cat looks like its got worms and needs Paxil."

Stephanie said...

Ok, a few random thoughts:

-I am DYING at your description of David being Ned Flanders. Sorry, David. And I love your anniversary gifts to each other. HAHAHAHAHA.

-Where did you pick those berries?

-What happened to Fuzzy?

Stephanie said...

Nevermind, I read about Fuzzy. Sorry to hear that!!

Stacey Richardson said...

Oh and Fort Wayne Zoo, is the best I've been too. Love it!

Sadie said...

We picked the berries at Kryst Farm Market in Homer on Vanwert Rd.