Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Stuff

Big milestones have been happening!

Jake learned how to ride a two wheel bike. He's got pure freedom now, even if he never gets a drivers license. Grandpa Bob rode his bike from Colorado to Michigan. He can go anywhere now.

Isn't this what being a dad is all about? I love this picture. David is such a good daddy.

Mr. Tyler gave up his sucky or a-gah as he called it. I dreaded this day. He is a sucky addict. I tried to limit it to naps but it never worked. David and I decided just to pull it and be done. We did the same thing for Jake when he was almost 2 1/2. Tyler is past 2 1/2. The secret weapon for both boys is a sticker chart for 5 days of no sucky and then a toy of choice. It worked great for both. Tyler cried a bit at bed time the first night and second night and has woke up in the middle of the night both nights, but calmed down after a few cuddles. No crying tonight at all! We are on day 3 tomorrow. The only catch- he hasn't been able to nap. He just plays in his room. Hopefully this will change and he won't give up naps 4 weeks before Jake starts school. I'm dreaming of my 2 hours of quiet while Jake is in school and Ty is napping.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Love the pic of David and Jake - just adorable! Now just add some patterned paper and a few stickers and ta-da! Your scrapbook page is finished! (Bring it Monday and I'll show you.)