Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I Am So Frustrated Because...
2. Everytime I try to do a learning activity with Jake, he puts up a big fuss over doing it, asks for a treat if he does do it, and basically has a little fit until I get frustrated and walk away. Homeschool is not in our future here. I try and teach him stuff and he has no desire to learn it. All day long he wants to play star wars or deer hunter. I'm so not into playing those activities!
3. I'm not ready for Jake to be in all day, everyday kindergarten. Why do they think a 5 year old is ready for school all day? I am so disappointed they got rid of half day kindergarten. To much to soon. Let kids be kids for a little bit longer. They have many years of school to come. Look what they have to look foward to- bills, un-employment, and all the other fun things that come along with being an adult. Let their imaginations be free, for at least half the day.
4. My house is always a disaster and I'm so sick of stepping on crap, un-loading the dishwasher, doing laundry, picking up toys, not being able to walk without stepping over something, making dinner, cleaning up get the idea.
5. I am tired of not having a real job. I am ready for a real job with real money. My little high school job at the Gap is no longer. I'm sick of it, and even though we need the money, I need to find a career. Not a good time for jobs though!
6. Tyler is being really needy lately, and is in the terrible twos stage. He whines if you don't give him what he wants. He has a hard time calming down, and can't entertain himself for more than two minutes. Jake and Tyler have started fighting more and I am sick of being a refree!
7. I feel like I have no time to do anything for myself. I don't talk on the phone with my friends because the kids are bugging me the whole time I'm on the phone, all our friends have kids so we don't go out much, and there's never any time. I feel like I have no life! My kids are consuming every piece of it.
8. I'm sick of my clothes and I'm so not ready to wear shorts and tank tops if that ever happens. I can't find shorts, they are either to long or to short and don't even get me started with the bathing suits. Are they making them for toddlers or adults? Some of them wouldn't cover half my butt let alone the whole thing. I don't even know where to shop now that I'm nearing the big 30-Christoper and Banks? Am I allowed to still shop in the Juniors department? Would the stuff even fit?
I think I'm done for now. My mid-life crisis is in full effect. Back to cleaning, wiping butts, getting snacks, making dinner, giving time-outs, paying bills, ect........
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
So Embarrasing
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Look what the bunny brought
Friday, April 10, 2009
How to make Easter sugar cookies
Put in oven and bake 6-8 min. Watch carefully! Pull up a chair if necessary.
Step 4:
Start decorating! Use sprinkles, frosting, whatever you can find.
Note: your kids are only going to want to decorate 1-2 cookies. Be prepared to do the rest by yourself.
Step 5: Eat cookie. Be sure to get frosting on and around your face.
Step 6: Gain weight. This can vary-depending on how many cookies you consume.
Step 7: Set aside approximately 1-2 hours for clean up.
Step 8:
Repeat step 5.Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Jungle Java
After Tyler woke up, he joined in the fun and Mr. Independent found a friend in the toddler area.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Drum Roll Please
In other news- we are signed up for the Marriage Matters L.I.N.K.S class starting next week. I would say this is perfect timing since David has been laid off since November and no one should spend that much time with their husbands.
Jake is now in his fourth week of swim classes. He cried the first two classes and missed the third class. This past week they jumped off the diving board. He has yet to put his face in the water. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of money on swim classes.
Here is his "jump" off the diving board. David does not have the patience to watch him at class. All the other kids (which are all girls) are good swimmers and are comforable in the water. I think it is a male ego thing. Jake dosen't seem to care.
My mom is still in town visiting. We've done Ikea, which gave me a headache. I felt like a mouse in a maze. They've got great stuff, but over whelming. I picked up two toy boxes for legos and dress up, a tray for breakfast in bed (hint to David), popsicle molds, and CD storage boxes. Jake loved the play land, especially the ball pit. He was the only one in there when we dropped him off. He can be so independent at times and other times not. They won't take Tyler, they said he cried to much. No, I'm kidding. He's not potty trained. I had just ordered a baby bjorn potty off amazon for 15.oo and Ikea had the same thing for 3.00. That is my luck.
We also did some shopping at Eastwood and tomorrow we are doing TJ Maxx and Liliac Tree. We love to shop. My mom also spent some time at my sisters and I'm still working a tad while see is here so our days have gone by fast. She is leaving Tuesday. We are stopping by Jungle Java on the way to the airport. Anything with a play land and coffee and I'm game.